echoes and mirrors and .

. . .
.and i say, "what's up",
and i really mean,
"i really like your eyes"
"nothing", he says and
he really means,
"too much for both of us"
.and i say, "i'm bored",
but in all honesty,
i just want to hear you

"me too", he says and
i know that
he just wants an excuse
.and i say, "let's fuck",
but really i think,
"i just want to have you"
"okay", he says and
he thinks,
"tab ay -> slot bee"
.and i say, "take it off",
and at that,
i just want to faint
he takes it off and
he knows,
he can't hide anymore
.and i think, "be still"
but it won't,
my heart keeps fluttering
"butterflies are for girls",
he says but
i don't care anymore

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